Mineworld Horror The Mansion

    Mineworld Horror The Mansion

    Mineworld Horror The Mansion

    3D 3D Bałwan Bałwan Pierwszoosobowa strzelanka Pierwszoosobowa strzelanka WebGL WebGL Mysz Mysz Zwierzę Zwierzę Postęp Postęp Jedność 3D Jedność 3D Minecrafta Minecrafta Zbieranie Zbieranie Strzelanie Strzelanie Zastrzel ich Zastrzel ich Klawiatura Klawiatura Piksel Piksel Dystrybucja gier Dystrybucja gier

    Opis gry

    Terror in the Mine Clone 4 The Residence is a first-person shooter whose goal is to survive the game's narrative mode while avoiding the other's staying. Terror in the Mines To win The Residence, a shooting game, you must complete all of the stages in the narrative mode and make it to safety without being attacked by the other victims.

    Terrifying Mines The Home is a movie in which you must Save the Miner to accomplish several objectives before fleeing the titular residence. You learned about the post-apocalyptic world and ran out to stock up on weapons.

    While fleeing from them after finding a plethora of them, you stumbled into a mansion. Get as much ammunition as possible, collect all the Minecraft passwords you'll need to get out of there and kill as many monsters as possible, including regular ones and dogs.

    Data wydania: 22 January 2021 , Platforma: Web browser

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